Automatic Generation of G Code in Numerically Controlled Machining for Perpendicular Intersecting Line Type Notch Making 正交相贯线坡口数控加工G代码的自动生成
Through selecting the optimal stagger code, the lose of target in first notch can be avoided. 同时采用参差脉冲将盲速推到3倍音速以外,并且通过最优参差码的选择使第一零点最浅以防止陷入凹口的目标丢失。
The filter is designed by slipping pulses and the optimal stagger code is selected by GA, so the weak target in first notch can be detected. 采用滑动脉冲的方式进行MTI滤波器设计,并利用遗传算法搜索最优参差码,有利于检测陷在滤波器第一零点里的弱目标。